Hi friends! FabulousFunFinds is holding a silent auction to help a family in need. Please take a moment to stop by and view the *fabulous* items for auction by amazing artists. You can even bid on my TimeKeepers Necklace. All proceeds go to this family in need. Thanks for your time and for helping out.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Silent Auction for a Good Cause
Ramblings by
3:07 PM
Labels: fabulous fun finds, Jillry, mingo family, silent auction
Monday, September 28, 2009
A Southern Breakfast
Lately J and I have been eating our go-to breakfast in the mornings: Lucky Charms & Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Sunday morning I felt like treating us...
Bacon Egg & Cheese Breakfast Frittata
Turn oven on to bake at 350 degrees.
Chop bacon into bite size pieces and place in skillet on low to medium heat to fry. Keep an eye on bacon, tossing it around the pan occasionally to cook evenly.
In bowl, whisk eggs. Toss cheese in, seasonings and a few dashes of hot sauce.
Once bacon is cooked, pour egg mixture into pan. Turn heat off and place skillet in oven. Let bake in oven for 10-15 minutes, checking with a fork. The frittata should be firm. Be sure not to over cook, as the eggs will be rubbery.
For Frittata Flare: Normally I have all kinds of randomness in my fridge to toss in our frittatas. Bell peppers, mushrooms and onions are great in a breakfast frittata, and even better with salsa on top after its done. If you prefer something with a crust, take a handful of croutons and crush in sandwich bag. Toss these in with the egg mixture and it will give the frittata more of a tasty crunch. Love mexican? Crunch leftover taco shells into egg mixture and add some cumin to the mix. Top with sour cream, cilantro & salsa.
Ramblings by
4:47 AM
Friday, September 25, 2009
A beautiful day for a SALE!
The weather is so nice out that I'm taking frequent breaks from finishing up orders and pieces for my fall line to warm my face in the sun. The Mini Monster is loving these breaks as well!
Ramblings by
12:20 PM
Labels: charm bracelet, czech glass, Etsy, jewelry, Jillry, sale, Twilight charm bracelet
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Learning Curve
Um, hi. *dusting off blog cobwebs* I know my posts have become sparratic and practically non-existent these days, but its for a good cause. :)
I'm learning a lot these days since I've plunged into my jewelry business full time. I've got a lot to say, so brace yourself.
I've learned that I am definitely a creature of habit, of schedule. One who needs order and routine. Yesterday I all but growled at my poor husband for coming home early. The weird thing is... I LOVE when he comes home early. Its quiet in this home apart from the tv in the background and Mini puppy snores. He comes in with a smile and kisses for me, and yet I felt irritated. Felt, torn by it.
I had gotten into a routine. 6 am wake up, getting him off to work with lunch and goodbye hugs. Onto computer to process orders. My work day continues and by 2pm I'm doing housework and prepping for dinner.
I loved having him come home around 5-6ish and sniffing the air full of comfort food aromas. Commenting on how pretty I look today and how nice the house looks. With him coming home early recently, its thrown off my schedule. He's in before the housework, before dinner, before I've primped. I feel less successful because of this and I know that's silly. Its like the mystery is gone. I don't have a magic wand anymore.
Baber, I'm soorryy. This is me apologizing, again. Most of you know my husband reads my blog. And you know he loves when he's the subject. (What man wouldn't??) Though I apologized for my irritable mood yesterday and this morning, I thought a public apology could do nothing but fluff his ego, right? For him, its probably the equivalent of coming home with flowers when he's saying sorry.
So there. I love you Baber. Come home early today. Please? :)
This morning I put housework first. I just took all my nice work slacks off hangers and folded them to be put away. To bring my jeans and shorts in the front. It made me smile. I'm learning that I am a lot more colorful than I thought I was, now that I don't have to pull on my black slacks every day.
Another thing I realize is that while I may not have the drama I had to deal with at my past jobs, there will always be negativity. For instance, in the world of crafts, there are lots of copycats out there. And some are so obvious. It just.... makes me really sad that some people out there call themselves artists and yet cannot come up with their own original ideas. Aren't they ashamed?
Last but not least, I've learned that just because I'm at home now doesn't mean I'm not busy. Some people think this is a joy ride. Like some think SAHMs just sit at home and watch soaps... So not true. I know their days are filled with chores, child care, errands, meals and more. Its a busy lifestyle but its worth it. I'm up before sunrise every morning and some days I work up until bedtime. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE it and wouldn't trade this blessing for anything, but I am actually working harder than I was at my office job.
I am less obsessed with my body now. No skinny chics around whining about how faattt they are, how they need to lose weight. I'm no longer comparing myself. And while I'm less fat-free food conscious, I'm exercising more.
Grocery shopping no longer feels like a chore. J hasn't been to the dreaded Walmart in a month and he's loving it.
I'm generally happier. Floating even on some days. Being creative is like a high for me. I was scared I couldn't do it on command, but I've learned that's just a challenge.
Things even out. Life stays balanced if you work at it. I'm learning something new every day about myself, my husband, my family. Who's behind you, really supporting you. Who you thought were friends, but who really aren't.
I'm getting there... and I'm sure there will be more posts like this to come. :)
Ramblings by
5:41 AM
Labels: business women, jewelry, learning curve, stay at home, Walmart
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Long Weekends & Serious Randomness
I hope everyone had a great long weekend. We sure did. Ours included:
Lotsa jewelry orders received. Woot.
Great friends.
Strawberry margaritaness.
Riding on the river on my lil bro's Teryx.
Baber silliness
Big bowls of chili with loved ones.
Maw Maw sneaking peppermints in J's candy stash (cuz he loves them so).
This morning I got a request for custom boutineers for a wedding. Wowza! I'm stoked to try my hand at this. I've been doing bridal jewelry for years, but boutineers? And the chic is super quirky but stylish with her good taste, so I am going to have fun with this. One word: peacock feathers. Oh shoot, that's TWO words...
Speaking of weddings, I'm currently doing bridesmaid and bridal jewelry for two fabulous ladies. I'll post pics soon!
Is anyone up early enough to appreciate VH1 in the mornings? I MISS videos!! VH1 has them on for a good part of the morning.
My craft room is getting spruced up. J set up the new computer last night while I tried my best at organizing. I'm thinking shelves, window boxes, a new table, maybe some wicker baskets. Anyone want to share their organizing tricks?
Alright, let me get busy. I just felt like popping in to say hi.
Hi. And cheers to a short work week!!
Ramblings by
5:09 AM
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Shh... Can you hear it?
Its the sounds of another happy morning.
The clink of my spoon against my pretty blue cereal bowl, filled to the brim with Lucky Charms. The mini puppy sighing as she naps in her bed. The tap tapping of my nails on the keyboard. The aquarium's trinkling water noises.
The only thing that would make this morning better is having my Baber home. To eat cereal beside me; its our weekend ritual now. To try to kiss me before I've brushed my teethies while I fuss and duck.
I miss him. He's been working so hard lately on this new project at work. Every morning I wake with him before the sun is up. I pretend its to make his lunch, today with pineapple chunks and turkey and cheese sammiches and lots of sweet snacks for his sweet tooth. But mostly, I wake early to see more of him, to get a few more cuddles in, a couple more hugs in, one more kiss in.
Everything happens for a reason... I hear this running through my head over and over these days. I was laid off twice in two years at two different jobs due to lack of work in my field. Couldn't help but to think that this was a sign. I had been much busier than usual with my jewelry, so I went for it.
Financially, we knew things would be different for a few months so I have been careful with groceries, combining all my errands in one day to reduce gas use, etc. The week I'm laid off, the contractor of the crew J is working with brings him an ice chest full of specialty meats, to thank him for his work. My parents bought seafood from a man at Daddy's work and gave everyone in the family shrimp as a treat just days before I was laid off. J's parents sent us home with some chops as well.
I don't have to buy meat for a month.
And J is working serious overtime these days. I miss him around, to make me laugh and love me, but I know we need his overtime right now. And I appreciate him so much, how he's working his butt off to provide for us. Not that I'm not providing, its just that he's going to be the big bread winner for now while my business is building. I just can't help but feel like things really do happen for a reason. And that God works in mysterious ways.
Enough of that. I'm feeling quite thoughtful this morning but I must stop before I get weepy. These days a Pampers commercial can send me into tears.
Hope you all have a relaxing long weekend. I'm off to enjoy the sounds of morning a little bit longer...
Ramblings by
5:41 AM