I saved this meme a while back when I saw it on another blog. Thought it was a really interesting questionaire and well, I'm just tired of seeing the potty post at the top of my blog (as I'm sure you are too!)
Please - play along if you wish! After a weekend full of parties, cheesy club scenes, and making goodies I need a minute to absorb before letting it all out on the blog.
What kind of soap is in your bathtub?
Lever Rain Scent. Boring right? My parents used it so I do. Isn't it funny how we just carry on using the same items our parents did when we lived with them? J has recently introduced me to a really sexy smelling one, so once my 8 pack is out I'm trying something new!
Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?
What would you change about your living room?
I should probably say I'd like it larger, but its just so cozy. Maybe a rug?
Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?Clean. I'm too lazy (and busy!) to unload right now.
What is in your refrigerator?
The fridge is packed because of my party this weekend. Usual items: pickles, cheese, eggs, orange juice for babers, a big jug of tea, salsa, pesto, wine, beer. Oh, and some leftover veal cutlets and s'ghetti from last night's dinner. Seasonal current items: Heavy cream, olives, cheese for dips.
White or wheat bread?
What is on top of your refrigerator?
Lordy! Too much. Ameretto, tequila, vodka, sweet & sour, a huge margarita pitcher, grenadine, margarita salt, chips for party this weekend, box of tea bags (I have a tiny pantry) and a box of cereal I really need to throw out.
What color or design is on your shower curtain?
Striped earthy tones. Reds, browns, sage greens. Need a new one, doesn't reflect my style.
How many plants are in your home?
One small bamboo plant. I want more but have no room.
Is your bed made right now?
Nope. My bed is made on very rare occasions. Maybe this weekend?
Comet or Soft Scrub?
Scrubbin' Bubbles!
Is your closet organized?Ha. Pfft. Well, I try about twice a year but the shoes just take over. You'd never know I have a walk in closet.
Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?
Both. Whatever's clean.
Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now?
Why yes I do!
Curtains or blinds?Blinds
How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two: Mine and the one that smells like J *sigh*
Do you sleep with any lights on at night?
*blush* Yes, I have a nightlite. Always have. That's a really interesting story for another post. (Note to self)
How often do you vacuum?
Once a week. Is that the norm?
Standard toothbrush or electric?
Regular old standard does the job just fine
What color is your toothbrush?
Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch?
I have a mat but it does not say Welcome on it.
What is in your oven right now?
Actually, some glazed pecans that I plan on giving out this year.
Is there anything under your bed?
My mounted charcoal drawings from college, a couple of paintings and a tub of photos.
Chore you hate doing the most?
Washing dishes
What retro items are in your home?
I don't think any...
Do you have a separate room that you use as an office?
I wish. Some day I will have an art room...
How many mirrors are in your home?
Four - dresser vanity, bathroom, standing mirror for full body shots (ha, I said body shots), and one above my dining table
What color are your walls?
white - i live in an apartment and cannot paint the walls :(
Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home?
No, unless you count my kitchen knives or J's gun when he stays with me
What does your home smell like right now?
Probably glazed pecans and vanilla almond bark
Favorite candle scent?vanilla or mulberry
What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now?
I'm crazy for pickles y'all - I have relish, spears and sliced dills
What color is your favorite Bible?
I can't remember what color it is. Bad little Catholic girl.
Ever been on your roof?
Not on my apartment roof but on my parents' roof. When I was in high school a friend thought it would be a good idea to sun bathe on the roof. Closer to the sun, better tan! I am terrified of heights so I'm still uncertain as to how she talked me up there. Once we were on the roof we realized our mistake and started screaming for my parents. It took a good 5 minutes before they heard us, but my brother's friend (a volunteer firefighter) finally got us down by climbing up a ladder and practically carrying us down it.
Do you have a stereo?
I have a "jam box"!
How many TVs do you have?
How many house phones?
None. So lovely.
Do you have a housekeeper?
Bahahaha! I almost fell out my chair on that one.
What style do you decorate in?
My style. I love reds and browns and hope to put more of my art work on the walls this year
Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints?
I have both. Keeps it interesting.
Is there a smoke detector in your house?
Yes and it very sensitive.
In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you'd grab if you could make only one trip? my purse (which contains my life), jewelry box (the one that holds inherited jewelry) and as many of my photo books as I can carry. The rest can be replaced.
Pick a question, any question and answer it in the comments if you don't feel like doing the whole post. I'd love to know anything new about you!
October 2024
4 months ago
Our "welcome" mat has a bee on it. Beekeeper coolness, eh?
It's nice to learn a little bit more about you but frankly, I was hoping for "tell all" about the cheesy club scene! ;)
I'll do one better since me and Babers are "tight." I'll create and answer my own questions.
1. Who do you think would win in personal combat, Captain James T. Kirk in his prime, or Emperor Palpatine?
Oh this has got to be the dumbest first question in blogger history and makes me wonder at the IDIOT who came up with this one.., everyone and their mama knows Captain Kirk would win, and still shag the green girl before the movie credits came up.
2. Did you have any imaginary friends growing up?
What do you mean "have"? We still have lunch at least once a week.
3. What are some things you can't say no to?
Sushi, Swiss white chocolate, my family and friends I deem extended family.
4. What silly thing have you done today?
I went to the grocery on my lunch break to pick up some cheese and heavy whipping cream, but stopped at the butcher dept as the butcher was hosing down the lobster glass.
Butcher, "How can I help you sir?"
Me, "Can you special order seafood?"
Butcher, "What kind of seafood are you wanting?"
Me, "Dolphin."
Butcher, "Oh, like Mahi Mahi?"
Me, "No, Dolphin, like a Porpoise."
Butcher, "Well, I'd have to check with my supplier for that."
I then told him I was joking and walked away. Next time I'll ask for a Piranha filet.
5. If Babers and Random Moments were both hanging off the edge of a cliff, and you could only pull one of them up, which one would it be?
Neither. Knowing those two, when one falls the other will jump off the cliff in pursuit, so to speed things up I'd slap both their fingers hanging on for dear life to get it over with, but I'd be slapping their fingers in a good way of course. ;D
claudia - Oh you know I'm going to share that one! already have a post for that in the works.
papa - sometimes I worry about you... I used to work in a grocery and loved when people asked random questions like that. Sometimes its hard to tell when its a joke tho. Like the time one guy asked if we had a big freezer, maybe one big enough for a body??
What's on top of my fridge? Those parts of the body that wouldn't fit in the fridge.
LBB - so YOU were that guy in the grocery...
Favorite candle scent?
I love cinnamon apple scented candles!
I'll do this one..working on it now..
I loved learning new things about you.
Ok here goes mine:
Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?
A watermelon is bigger than my fridge
What would you change about your living room?
Not a damn thing, I can drive my 4wheeler into my living room!
Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?God, I wish I had a dishwasher
What is in your refrigerator?
Beer, ham and cheese, dr. pepper, leftover bbq, leftover fried fish.
White or wheat bread?
What is on top of your refrigerator?
My t.v., dvd player, and cable box
What color or design is on your shower curtain?
just a plain ol' white one.
Is your bed made right now?
My philosophy has always been- why make your bed if your going to get back in it and mess it up?
Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?
Mostly glass bottles but i dont discriminate against drinking out of the cans.
Do you sleep with any lights on at night?
Only when im too lazy to get up and unplug her nightlite
How often do you vacuum?
Hardly ever, hose the place out and let it airdry
Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch?
Not exactly. I dont have a "front porch" either. My front porch is an old pallet with plywood on top:)
Chore you hate doing the most?
anything called a "chore"
Do you have a separate room that you use as an office?
Ha! extra room? I live in a freakin camper right now! The only extra room i have has a toilet and a shower. Wonder if I could rig up a desk in front of the old white throne?
Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home?
Come on in after I lock up and I'll show you something >:D
Ever been on your roof? Hell yeah, gotta hang up the christmas lights!
Do you have a housekeeper?
Yes, i call her baber. Im kidding! I love you?
Is there a smoke detector in your house?
Yes and a LP leak detector and a carbon monoxide detector.
In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you'd grab if you could make only one trip? My keys, my gun, my dog and my wallet. Maybe a couple of beers to drown my sorrows as I watch my house burn to the ground?
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