So J and I decided it would be funny to get drunk together. I know, sounds like something you would do in high school, maybe even college. Still, we wanted to see how we’d be together. (And I think we both secretly wanted to see what kind of information would escape our mouths under the influence.)
Lemon Drops it is! After a day at the parents, we stop by an Albertsons for the necessary ingredients and land at the apartment. J asks if I know of any drinking card games. No, I say, but I do know this one drinking game….
Have you ever played “I never”? It’s the best way to learn all about someone. The object is to get the other person to drink, unless of course you wish to drink yourself. Can work for or against you. You start by saying “I never” and insert something you have never done. If someone else has done this certain something, then they must drink.
For example “I’ve never been in a relationship.” Most everyone will drink, unless for some reason they haven’t been in one. If I wanted Romantic Fool (a fellow blogger) to drink, I would say “I’ve never been tattooed.” Or, if I said to J “I’ve never dated someone I went to high school with”, then he and I would both have to drink because we went to high school together.
It’s fun and yet very dangerous. Some “I nevers” that I threw at J were pretty off the wall, but on occasion he would drink to them, and I found myself squirming in my chair. He admitted later that he felt the same way. The next day I amazingly woke up without a hangover. Not really sure I want to do that again any time soon, but at least I know I can still put ‘em down like I could in college. And that if I ever want to know something about J, I can always get it out of him with a few lemon drops and the words “I never”.
October 2024
4 months ago
Let's just tell the whole world I have a tattoo...oh wait, I think I did that already! What fun! Did you learn any juicy secrets? Maybe some secret desires? At least it wasn't like you both did this and didn't remember the next day or one not know and the other.
Yeah...I want some juicy dish!
First off games like that by women scare the bejeezus out of me...I've been too "crazy" in my life to maintain a relationship after those games....
Second, I cant beleve he agreed to it...
Third, So what did you find out that made you squirm...
hmm, I wonder if there could be a blog version of I never that could be passed around.
Oooo DJ I like the idea of an 'I Never' blog. We should all just post an "I never" sentence each day, and those who comment can either raise their glass or not.
He agreed to the game because he said he wants to "know everything about me". >sigh< Let's just say we were both a little crazy in our past, and a lot of meant to be joking "i nevers" ended up being drank to unexpectedly.
Still love the bastard though. :) said the "L" word...and I may very well run with the I never Idea...maybe on a separate blog...
Bunch of lushes.
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